Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection

Haloo...lagi mau koleksi Classic Marvel Figurine nih :):):)
berikut list yang udah ada diambil dari sini: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Classic_Marvel_Figurine_Collection

Ini sebagian listnya:

All issues are listed in the order from the website

Friday, August 14, 2009

Beli dari Ebay bebas Pajak ??

Guys...udah nyobain beli 3x dari Ebay (2 Iphone, 1BB) dan semuanya itu barang bekas...dikirim pake pos dengan kode tracking number depannya RJ kok gak kena pajak yah? apa karena barang bekas kali yah...

Track & Trace Pos Indonesia Online
JENIS KIRIMAN : Tercatat Luar Negeri
NO. KIRIMAN : RJ289685273GB
[D] Arrival at inward office of exchange11-08-2009Spp Jakarta 10900
[F] Departure from inward office of exchange to 13000 Adpis = 00015111-08-2009Spp Jakarta 10900
[G] Arrival at delivery office12-08-2009Jakarta Timur 13000
[H] Attempted to deliver12-08-2009Jakarta Timur 13000A

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Remove IT Policy without using any 3rd Party Application such as Javaloader or else...

Windows user:

1. plug your BB to your computer
2. Go to command promp by click start>run>type cmd and hit enter
3. type: Cd\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader and hit enter
4. type LOADER.exe /resettofactory

and wait for 4-5 minutes and voila your BB has got no IT Policy.

To check IT Policy has been removed:
1. from your BB go to Options>Status
2. type BUYR
3. check on Data Usage and Voice Usage --> if you see the amount for those parameter then your IT Policy has been successfully removed.


*source: http://forums.crackberry.com/f135/how-remove-policy-without-blank-policy-file-217892/#post2428740 *